Being in the hydraulic equipment repair business, we get asked a lot of questions about the various systems, components, and uses of hydraulic equipment. One of the basics is the hydraulic powerpack. So what exactly is that?
Hydraulic powerpacks are stand-alone hydraulic systems that are used to power machinery such as lifts, pumps, presses, and other equipment. Hydraulic powerpacks pump fluid from one place to another to power that separate piece of equipment. They can range in size from something that can be picked up by a couple of guys and transported in a pick-up or van all the way up to an installed piece of machinery that’s stationary and would need a crane to move.
Regardless of size and use, all hydraulic power packs have essentially the same components:
- Hydraulic reservoir The reservoir holds the hydraulic fluid needed to create the power and motion that moves machinery. Reservoirs, like, the powerpack itself and the machinery it drives, come in different sizes.
- Regulator The regulator does exactly what it sounds like – it regulates the amount of pressure the hydraulic powerpack produces.
- Supply and relief lines The pressure supply line supplies – you guessed it — the pressurized fluid to the pump. The relief line relieves the pressure between the pump and the valves (it also controls the direction of flow).
- Motor The motor drives the pump (simple, huh?)
- Pump The pump operates as a vacuum at the pump inlet, forcing the hydraulic fluid from the reservoir into the inlet line and on into the pump. From there the fluid travels through the pump outlet into the hydraulic system where the real work begins.
Powerpacks need regular maintenance
Like all commercial and industrial hydraulic equipment, powerpacks take a lot of abuse on the job site every day, causing performance to suffer if they’re not properly maintained. Fortunately, preventative maintenance is relatively simple – check all tubing for any signs of damage such as cracks and holes, change the hydraulic fluid regularly, and look at the reservoir regularly to ensure there’s no rust or corrosion.
If you notice any leaks, loss of pressure, corrosion of any kind, or other wear and tear that is affecting performance, those are signs that your powerpack (or any hydraulic equipment, for that matter) might need a little more attention. We’ll be happy to take a look and fix any problems before they have a chance to become more serious and cause significant downtime.